

"Stunning views and lemon trees"

Poros is built between 2 hills in typical Greek amphitheatrical structure. In antiquity the island consisted of two islands, but the explosion of the Méthana volcano in 273 BC radically changed the morphology of the area and Poros took its present day form.

The view from the hilltop to the island of Poros is stunning. You can see the Temple of Poseidon built circa 520 BC, the lemon forest with more then 30 000 lemon and orange trees and the beautiful beaches stretching uninterrupted along the island’s coastline.

The town is famous for its impressive grand mansions, picturesque cobbled streets, as well as a wide variety of entertainment venues, attracting visitors from all age groups.

Some of the landmarks of Poros are: the Archeological and folklore museums, the Temple of Poseidon, the Zoodohos Pigi monastery and the trademark of the island situated on a hill top – the Clock tower.

Poros is also famous for its beautifulbeaches, stretching along the island’s coastline. Askéli is a sandy beach with crystal clear waters and on Meyálo Neório the pine trees sweep right down to the water's edge.